重裝 fail2ban

fail2ban 好用但之前跑起來問題一堆,

現在手動換裝新版順多了. 安裝方法

參考 這篇 , 新版本在 這裡

cd /tmp/
# 1) download deb package and signature:
wget https://github.com/fail2ban/fail2ban/releases/download/0.11.2/fail2ban_0.11.2-1.upstream1_all.deb \

# 2) check signature (if you want to be sure file is unmodified):
gpg --verify fail2ban_0.11.2-1.upstream1_all.deb.asc fail2ban_0.11.2-1.upstream1_all.deb

# 3) view details of the package:
dpkg -I fail2ban_0.11.2-1.upstream1_all.deb

# 4) to ensure the upgrade run gentler (protocol of previous version may be incompatible), stop fail2ban before install:
# using service:
sudo service fail2ban stop
# using client:
sudo fail2ban-client stop

# 5a) either install package using dpkg (standalone package, don't regard dependencies):
sudo dpkg -i fail2ban_0.11.2-1.upstream1_all.deb
# if the package introduces some "broken" dependencies (I don't think so in case of fail2ban which has few dependencies),
# to fix the unmet dependency issue, run this:
sudo apt -f install

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